Kvikkjokk Boat Tours
Welcome to Båttrafik i Kvikkjokk /Turism i Kvikkjokk Ltd

We offer boat tours to Padjelantaleden, Nordkalottleden (North Calotte Trail) and the southern Kungsleden, Vallevárre, Prinskullen and Nammásj.

We offer guided tours of the lush and unique Kvikkjokk delta and a lecture on the flora, fauna and geology of the area.

We offer a flexible booking system adjusted to hikers. You do not need to pay in advance.

Helena Adolfsson +46 (0)73 800 62 32

The regular tours to Kungsleden and Padjelantaleden, 28 June - 8 September can be booked and prepaid on this website.
Welcome to book here

Reasons why you should choose our company:
Båttrafik i Kvikkjokk has been a family business for three generations and is today mainly run by me, Helena Adolfsson and my partner Björn Sarstad. We have 50 years of experience in passenger boat transport in Kvikkjokk.

The company’s focus is on long-term sustainable tourism:

- to create high quality nature experiences and recreation for visitors
- to secure that we as permanent residents can continue to make a living in Kvikkjokk
- to support female entrepreneurship

Båttrafik i Kvikkjokk is part of Turism i Kvikkjokk Ltd and is run as a limited company, wich is a safer form of company for our passengers.

The enterprise is run according to the regulations of the Swedish Maritime Administration and we offer you passenger insurance.

Vi offer our services from May to October.

Contact us for more information and prices:

Helena Adolfsson +46 (0)73 800 62 32
Björn Sarstad  +46 (0)70 205 31 93 

By boat on Tarrariver on the way to the trailhead of Padjelantaleden and Nordkalottleden
Björn Sarstad, Guide and boat driver. Owner of Turism i Kvikkjokk AB

Björn Sarstad, third generation. Guide and boat driver.

Helena Adolfsson, artist and boat driver. Owner of Turism i Kvikkjokk AB

Helena Adolfsson. Artist and boat driver.

Rupert Eriksson, boatbuilder and boat driver in kvikkjokk.

Rupert Eriksson, first generation. Boatbuilder and boat driver.

Ossian Sarstad, artist and boat driver, kvikkjokk.

Ossian Sarstad, second generation. Artist and boat driver.